Third Term or NOT
The online dictionary at defines acquiesce as, ‘To consent or comply passively or without protest’. To do nothing is not an option; we need to remember that the Germans and the Hutu of Rwanda have all been tarnished with the same brush of genocide, and you never hear anywhere of the many people who did not participate in the evil that was going on around them. Silence at this time will be taken for support by those who do not know us personally, and how many people in this world can any one of us know personally? Seeking to take this cohort head on will not be expedient; we do not have guns, thugs, money or the state security services (army, police, SSS) on our side. However, we have GOD on our side, we have the force of right, we have the moral upper ground, we are more intelligent than they are, and above all, we have a voice and a conscience that they cannot silence, especially in the Diaspora.
- A third term carried through by Obasanjo could be the beginning of a president-for-life
- The reality of open-ended rule by one tribe could lead to a breakup of Nigeria
- The precedence of pogroms that preceded the Biafra war bode ill for any breakup
- The international community will not escape the consequences of such a fallout
- Oil prices will soar
- Refugees will multiply
- Neighbouring countries may be destabilised
- Pressure on the PDP and incumbent will be more productive before the third term begins
- The PDP and incumbent may be more inclined to respond to international criticsm than to local agitation
- Nigerians are prepared to knock on every door in government to see that action is taken now
Be prepared to picket the Nigerian embassy/high-commission in the country in which you live; it will only cost you a few hours/days, but it could be the difference between life and death for people you know back home. More information will be made available as the year progresses, but please be on standby to help the situation by using every legal/moral/ethical means to work against the plans of these few evil men who want to destroy our already frail democracy.
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