Akunyili, Okonjo-Iweala; carry-go!
Well, the truth is that things are not great; however, it could have been a lot worse. We only need to look south to Zimbabwe to see how fortunate we are to still be on the road to democracy and not on the way to Otta! As was said in the article “Third Term or NOT”, the general has shown the way to democracy, but there is much walking to do before we arrive at a new Nigeria. Now is therefore a good time to take stock, and to make a decision on where we go from here. Is it possible to look beyond the likes of Attah-Odili-Gana, or are we still ready to settle for anything, even if it is of the Atiku-IBB-Marwa ilk. For far too long we have been complacent in the face of oppression, we have almost become satisfied with being voiceless in our own land. With so many thugs in high places, with so much rigging on the high streets, citizens have had their birth-rights stolen from them. The legatees of independence have frittered away our yesterday and are a potent threat to our tomorrow. The people who should be leading the country out of the abyss are too busy cheating their fellow countrymen to see the problems or the opportunities that face us as a nation. They themselves are being cheated by representatives of other countries and international corporations. These fellows take advantage of the selfishness and greed of Nigeria’s leaders and representatives in order to cheat the country in international trade and politics as well as in business, locally and internationally. If the country is to survive in the long term, there is a need to change the quality of personnel that lead and/or represent the nation, politically and economically. We must begin to look beyond the obvious gallery of rogues, to men and women who have the intellect, as a minimum; and hopefully the passion, energy and patriotism as well. We need a new kind of person at the helm of our affairs, and we should be sufficiently bold and honest to look beyond the political caucuses for such persons – men and women alike.

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