Now that you are alone …
Allow me to share with you a celestial truth. There is only one way, guaranteed to get you into heaven; Jesus Christ.
Read on.
Jesus Christ is your insurance policy for the next life, your V.I.P. pass, your name on the guest list, your invitation, to GOD’s eternal banquet.
If there is a Heaven, as surely there is, and a life after death, you need to be sure you will end up in Heaven and not anywhere else. Hell is just too nasty a place to leave things to chance.
Accept Jesus Christ today as your LORD and saviour now, confess your sins to GOD, and your guilt and deserved punishment will be blotted out, giving you a promise of admission to heaven that is guaranteed.
Now that you are saved, carry on with your life, be at peace, GOD will be coming to get you, and to make a new person out of the old. From now on, its Jesus Christ’s responsibility to work the changes in your life that will get you into heaven.
It really is that simple.
John 3:16